Flip a coin

12 October 2008

I had this brilliant idea of wishing all the PMR people out there good luck in their exams but what the heck, they're not gonna read it until probably after the exams are over.

But go for it guys =) I'm sure you'll do great!


Oh and I suddenly have this overwhelming urge to take a trip over to London. Well I have to admit, it was only after reading Kenny Sia's blog and seeing all the nice photos from over there that I wanted to visit that part of the world.

But it looks so NICE! Soo... anyone up for a trip? =D


And this is how a particular MSN conversation with Victor Lai went.
Jøsëph Ñg [pH]² says:
flip a coin flip a coin!
ViCt0r heRE ~Mysteries of Life~Nudge for a Sandwich. =) says:
=.= for?
ViCt0r heRE ~Mysteries of Life~Nudge for a Sandwich. =) says:
coin for?
Jøsëph Ñg [pH]² says:
designs or relations
Jøsëph Ñg [pH]² says:
ViCt0r heRE ~Mysteries of Life~Nudge for a Sandwich. =) says:
You and your Harvey Dent-ness
Jøsëph Ñg [pH]² says:
ViCt0r heRE ~Mysteries of Life~Nudge for a Sandwich. =) says:
admit it, Harvey Ng
Jøsëph Ñg [pH]² says:
Jøsëph Ñg [pH]² says:
eh tell me what should i blog about

*Vic goes offline*



This is what goes on in my house on Sunday night at 9.40pm.

Mom: Aik! Haven't filled car with petrol yet!
John: Supper?
Mom: Petrol.
John: Supper!
Mom: Petrol!
John: Supper!
Mom: *starts singing* Petrol!
John: *starts singing* Supper!

And they became one harmonious sound in the orchestra of petrol and supper. It sounded something like:

Supper! Petrol. Supper! Petrol. Supper! Supper! SUPPER!

Me: I'm so going to blog about this.

We should make a movie one day.

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