I don't like global warming.

31 July 2008

I can SMELL the heat in the air, I tell you.

But anyway, I think I'm on a movie spree! After watching The Dark Knight and Wall-E I just realized how much I love movies... Haha! And just yesterday Kok Jen gave me his pen drive which contained...

"There is no price for attractiveness. Or awesomeness"

With all due apologies for supporting piracy. It's the Malaysian way.

And so I came up with this list for myself. 23 movies to watch before 2008 is over. Shaddap, I know I'm having SPM. And I even came up with my own rating system! I shall attempt to go professional and rate every movie I watch on a scale of 10, the scores being...

1- I'll muder that director.
2- Don't even talk to me about it.
3- Waste of my time.
4- I wish I watched another movie...
5- Ok-okay laa.
6- Cool, but I won't watch it a second time.
7- Reccomendable.
8- You have got to be kidding me if you don't watch it.
9- I'll force you to watch it.
10- I'll kill you if you don't watch it.

Ratings 1 and 10 are pretty extreme, but that's the only way I can make sure there's always room for bigger, better stuff =P So since I've watched 3 movies so far, here's how much I'll rate them.

Kung Fu Panda : 7/10
Wall-E : 7/10
The Dark Knight : 9/10

Dark Knight rocks more than you do!

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