the last post.

09 December 2009

Originally I intended to write something about life and current events.

So maybe not.


I created this blog a little over a year ago. Back then blogging was still the "in" thing and everyone had one. Before blogspot, I was in a little zone called xanga which you can find here (or not, if I've decided to delete it).

Back then, people called blogs their online diary. Which is not far from the truth, considering how most people post their updates. But to me it wasn't that - a blog was more than a place to ramble on and on and on about how my day was - it is a stage, and place for the world to see who I am and what I believe in.

Strange as it sounds, blogging has actually made me overall a better person. It was through it that I learned about audience appeal and proper grammar; how to write and how to do some basic designing.

And over the past 5 years, there are, of course, certain memories that comes with it.

Like eating my first McDs-sponsored Big Mac.

Or joining and losing my first debate competition.

Getting hopelessly lost, and laughing through it.

Drawing inspiration from the least expected person.

Getting my first compliment from Facebook.

Drowning little critters.


I'll miss blogging.

For the last time,

1 people had something to say:

Nicki said...