Oh Joy!

17 August 2008

Thank you Isaac for lending me the DVD =)

And the whole time I was watching it on my mom's tiny Dell Laptop screen... Haha! Pretty cool movie, but nothing beats The Dark Knight!

8/10 then. You HAVE to watch this. I especially like the witty quotes by the cast, like this one for example.

"Don't be afraid, Bruce. You're just an ordinary man in a cape. That is why
you cannot fight injustice and that is why you cannot stop this train."

"Who said anything about stopping it?"

Oh, and I'm starting a huge personal project soon enough, so do ask me about it when you see me online =) Your input would be much, MUCH appreciated only if I like you.


Now on a much closer-to-home subject, Ladies' Day was just OKAY for me. The response wasn't much worth the screeching and screaming we all went through planning it but hey, who am I to say anything when I don't see the big picture yet?

The theme of the whole event was Diamonds and Denims. I went there with my jeans, alright - that was the easy part. I ended up going through the whole event without anything sparkly on me... Haha! But then again it probably was a good thing, because I'll look plain weird with sparkly stuff on xP

Just imagine me with diamond-studded shirt.


I actually acted in the drama - which only had 4 main recurring characters by the way (me being one of them) and it was so far my second go at stage acting. Well like I said earlier, response wasn't as good as I would have wanted it to be. Stephen started the drama, saying it was an Oscar-worthy script.

"Ever had the feeling that you're doing something right but it all turns
out to be wrong?"

"...Well, there was this once when I thought tampons were used to clean my
contact lenses. Didn't turn out well."

He ended it saying, "Did I say Oscar-worthy? Erm... maybe Bintang Filem Malaysia. Probably"

Great -_-"

But we'll just have to wait and see =)

By the way,
You don't mess with the Zohan : 5/10
10,000BC : 6/10

Imma go watch more movies,

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